Wednesday, July 25, 2012

It's genius!

Okay, here's a plan to get rid of the common cold forever (plus a whole bunch of other nasties).

It's pretty simple. Everybody stay where you are. For a month. Don't go out. Don't go to work. Don't do aything but stay at your place of residence. If everybody stays home, then nobody can pass on the infection. Once the last of the people sitting at home have burnt out their colds and become immune, we should all now be disease free.

Too easy...

 (Except from the chaos that results in the mean time - but then we'll all have something serious to complain about rather than a case of the sniffles. Everyone needs to make sacrifices for the greater good.)

It just surprises me that nobody has tried this earlier.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Clinical Vignette

A 26 year old medical student is forced to get a Hepititis A vaccine by his medical school. As he is also planning a trip to Thailand, he desires  a vaccination for Typhoid. He presents to his general practitioner and complains of feeling fiscally drained. As part of a mini-mental state exam, she consults the chart on the wall she asks him
"What price do you put on pain?"

Demonstrating his seventh and second, third, fourth and sixth cranial nerves to be functional, he squints at the numbers as well. The patient does not display any signs of acalculia or dysphasia.

"You see, there is a combined vaccine. It's one hundred and ten dollars. But we buy in bulk here and the two vaccines  given separately are only ninety two." She continued.

"I'm tight!" He declares. And a consensus is reached. Two shots it will be so he can lay on a beach.

12 hours later the patients presents to his couch. Symmetrical deltoid pain, malaise and mild wallet lightning persist.

Quick update. Not entertaining in any way

Can't decide what's worse. Being such a poor time manager that may blog updates are reduced to complaints about how busy and doomed I am. Or not blagging. It's hard to choose. So I've chosen both.

Devo about Cadel though. Still respect the man for not giving up! Such a phenomenal athlete.

I'm ready for a holiday.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The wrist bone's connected to the... err

I'm out of my depth.

Wait there's not even a wrist bone! Why!