Monday, April 23, 2012

Plexus schmexus

I went to the repat today, for the first time ever. Fascinating little place. As I wandered in I couldn't help but feel that I had time warped back to the 1940s. For those of you who aren't locals, imagine a single story hospital, with numerous different buildings connected by courtyards. And then superimpose band of brothers on top of it, except that the war has ended and the cast got old.

 I wandered slightly aimlessly through the grounds, trying to find the ward where I was to meet the tutor. It was a fascinating little detour through history. I don't mind a bit of history, as the bulk of the hospital was built during WW2. Very quaint. One of the lesser known things about the repat, and I have done some extensive googling on this. Is that there is a secret underground hospital on its grounds. Back in the 40's, in fear of Japanese aerial attack, somebody decided it would be a good idea to build an underground hospital. The world moved on, the hospital was bricked up and forgotten about and is now the stuff of legend. I think it would be fascinating to find out more about that... One day!

At the end of the day though, it's just a rickety old hospital. But I always enjoy seeing new places. And I got checked out by a tutor who declared my reflexes to be excellent. I'm thinking of getting a job as a standardised patient...

Apart from that life is good. I'm a little under-excited by the neuro block. There is a bit too much unknown about a lot of the mechanisms. I like to deal with certainties some times in life! But I'm sure it will turn out fine :)

 Lumpage, out.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Like sands through the hour glass

Exams are over! I survived. It was an interesting experience as usual though. I felt well prepared. So I wasn't as stressed as usual, perhaps because the family are away! (Hi Dad!) But the highly strung people around me were still quite content to wig-out. I'm sure everyone did fine. I wish I had more exciting stories to tell, but I'm just trying to regain the energy for the next semester... which starts tomorrow.

I've been so conditioned to expect a break after exams. It's a bit disappointing to only have one day off. Especially since I spent the whole Easter weekend tether to my text books (except for a brief escape to see James Morrison, who was pretty good.)

In the end I enjoyed GIT and Endocrinology. Fascinating things happen when hormones go wrong. And GIT stuff seems pretty straightforward too.

Such fun!