Prior to today I was the perfect medical student. 100% of my cannulations, blood draws and intubations had been on song. Alas, my first real patient and I missed the target. Naturally I blamed the tools - it was my first time using a butterfly and didnt go deep enough. But still, I concede my record is now shot.
Like most of the things I just assume I'm good at. I really should have retired before I started.
In other news, I'm making a living following doctors around. It has been interesting. Also tiring. Two years of being a student and you forget what a full day of work looks like. But the team has been nice to me. I happened to kick off on New RMO Day. Which was great, because they were also finding their feet and the consultant spent extra time explaining things. Unfortunately my first ever ward round went for five hours, and I was extremely glad to go skive off and have lunch at the end of it.
Sure I sucked at interpreting ECGs. But on the plus side, I knew that a tumour in the left lung can give you a horse voice (but forgot the more likely cause of hypothyroidism, who knew!)
Also, I actually properly hear my first ever murmur (and not just nodding when a doctor asks me if I can hear that?) It must have been super loud.
I'm learnding.
A horse voice? Neigh!