Saturday, May 3, 2014

A dollar is all I need

I don't mind the public transport system here. It's only $1 for a student and a ticket lasts for three hours. Plus there are not many cars in Darwin so it all seems relatively quick when compared to the bus in Adelaide.

This week was a good week actually. We finally had an inpatient with an array of complex issues. Made me feel like I was doing medicine again. The most amusing part was when I was asked to make a referal for our patient to another team. The surgeons aren't all that used to having to look after patients. So the intern let me make the referral to the oncology team to see whether they would be willing to take of the care of the patient instead. Always a good idea to let the medical student try and shift work on your behalf! Just kidding.

But I made the referral, and the lovely registrar on the other end of the phone quite literally responded to my kind request with:
"Haha! No."
But still let me make my case. She only grilled me gently and told me that I had done a good job.

It's hard to believe that my job next year will be doing that all day every day.

The other thing that happened this week was that the hospital was at 'Escalation level III'. Which it seems to be more or less every day. Essentially it means there isnt  a single bed left in the hospital and that the emergency department is double bunked.

Now hospitals being full isn't a new or unique thing. It only affects me because they start cancelling elective surgeries because there isn't anywhere to put the new casualties. And so, with lots of my surgeries scrubbed I got Friday afternoon off to enjoy an early start to another long weekend.

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