Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Humble blogging

I am studying for exams again - which means I'm procrastablogging. That's right, I've put on my fingerless gloves and hunched over my keyboard to quickly write an update. It turns out I forgot to blog for over a year.

Things that have happened since the last blag:
Coupled up
Spent another six months in ED, spent six months in AMU
Got in to anaesthetic training, and am now working as an Anaesthetics registrar at a new hospital.
Purchased my first house.
Celebrated the new house by exploding the water heater and nearly losing my eyebrows while attempting to relight the pilot light.

Perhaps a couple pictures then, as I'm too lazy to insert words. This is my backyard. It started out filled with old Italian lady pots, concrete and olive trees. Plus a stupid amount of bricks and cement. As you can see, I've managed to make it look a lot worse over the last three months.

More to come once the skip comes  and the bobcat has leveled the back. Looking forward to giving my avocados a proper home finally.

That's it for now.