Sunday, May 8, 2011

Word to your mother

Medball yesterday. Fun.
Rural day tomorrow, should be interesting. Cannulating a fake arm etc. Having said that, I wouldn't call Port Elliott rural. I'll let you know how it goes.

Went to the doctor, because one of the med students thought I had high blood pressure when we were practicing with the sphingo. I actually went to the doc to get my vaccination stuff checked off, but got her to retake my BP to confirm that first year med students don't know how to do blood pressures properly. Unfortunately, it was high again. Now I have to get it checked again over 24h, to see whether I actually have some underlying pathology or whether it's all white coat fever.

Knowing me, it's probably all in my mind... and arteries. Better to be safe than sorry right?

1 comment:

  1. I have things wrong all the time but I have enough health issues to worry about already! so as for anything else they find i'm going with the philosophy of "ignorance is bliss" - all the best and I hope it isn't anything too serious!
