Saturday, August 27, 2011

Some kind of fruit company

One of the other articles I liked in this mornings paper was one by Hugo Rifkind. Jobs or no Jobs, that Apple culture really makes me shudder

Don't know if you caught it, but highlights the discreet evilness of apple. I'll quote some of the last few column inches.

""Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me" is another fine Jobs quote, also in reference to Gates. "Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful," he continues, "that's what matters to me."

This was a comment made before Gates started pouring his money into vaccinations, obviously. Still, there's something about it that goes right to the heart of why the Apple cult makes me shudder.

These are phones and computers we're talking about. Trinkets and things. Is it right that our wonder should be so lightly spent?

Well, maybe. And maybe, in a world where information saves lives just as much as vaccinations do, inventing something like the iPhone is, indeed, doing something wonderful in every sense. But buying one isn't. I'm not sure for how much longer Apple will get away with blurring the two."

You can check the whole article out here

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