Had a fun day yesterday. Spent it studying for the large part. But it meant I could sit in the ED and see what comes in. Lately it seems there has been a rather aggressive tummy bug going around. There's lots of people looking the worse for wear.
For the second time this week I was able to check out a patient who was
looking a bit parched and then sink a cannula in to the back of their
hand. Totally felt like a medical rock star because my streak of
successful cannulations has blown out to two (an all time high!). Now I
just need to figure out how to cannulate places other than the hand!
As others have said though, it's all in the mind. Believe you can do it, and it will work some of the time! But don't die wondering at least.
"Sharp scratch" |
To be honest though, the thing I hate most about sticking the plastic tubes in to people is the bit at the end where you have to tape it down. The sticky stuff drives me nuts...
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