Saturday, April 5, 2014

A week in the territory

Well, for those of you following along at home. I've survived my first week in the NT. I'm up here doing an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) surgical rotation. Not my first choice, but it's how it all panned out. I'm really enjoying it so far.

Started the week off by finding out that everyone was on a conference in Queensland, except for the one registrar left to man the fort. That registrar looked eerily familiar, and would later figure out that she was one of the interns in that 'young doctors' tv show.

SO for the first three days there were no operations, no consults and a single inpatient. Can't win them all I guess. I used the time to adjust to the climate instead.

Yesterday we got to go on an outreach trip. I didn't realise these happened, or that I would get to tag along. But it was a nice little adventure. Basically some of the team fly out to a remote community and set up camp for the day. They see whoever turns up. Sometimes none, sometimes many. Appointments I'm learning are meaningless. Everything happens in its own time.

It was an interesting little town from what I saw from the drive to the clinic, an 1100km flight from Darwin. It was the kind of town you see on the news; where kids and dogs wander the red dirt streets, litter periodically blowing across the road. Having said that the people were nice and friendly and we had a good day.

We then flew back to Darwin, catching some nice view of Kakadu as the sun began to set. It's really very beautiful. I'm sorry that my phone does it no justice.

And that's it for now. I'll let you know when I actually see some surgery!

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