Tuesday, July 15, 2014

They spell ID with an F here

To celebrate my second week of infectious diseases, I had to do a case presentation. So I summarised the case of a person who had a ? Fungal brain abscess. They had been getting better after surgery, and then went backward... but then got better... bet then looked like they were about to go backward because the numbers were sliding in the wrong direction but seemed okay.

The presentation went okay and everyone discussed the case with great vigour. But I got destroyed by a leading expert in infectious diseases because I had mispelled the name of a rare bacteria (I copied correctly from the neurosurgeons notes I swear!).

The ID people were concerned about the patient, but the surgeons less so given the potential risks of doing another operation. Now a week later, I saw the patient back in the intensive care unit today, with the doctors still no closer to an answer on what was going on. I guess that's just the way it is some times.

It's kind of exciting though. People are listening to things I say some times now. So I feel the pressure to actually make sure it's correct because... Consequences.

In other exciting news, I got offered an internship at my current hospital for next year. Pretty happy! But at the same time I await the news for my dearest colleagues who are yet to hear or have an offer. I'm hanging out on their behalf.

More to come...

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