Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Times have changed

 Well. Two years since I last updated. 

Where we left off in 2020, isolated in Darwin where Corona didn't exist.

To set the scene:

1. The global pandemic rages on. I still haven't caught covid.

2. We moved back from Darwin. I spent six months at the women's doing countless sections and epidurals.

3. On the home front we had a baby of our own, little Victoria. She has been a source of endless delight. 

4. Worked in the paediatric hospital for four months. It turns out I don't mind kids. 

5. Went back to my favourite hospital, sat and passed my final exam with the help of some good friends I have made along the way. 

6. 2022 has rolled around and I am finishing my anaesthetic fellowship in vascular surgery and neurosurgery. Though to be honest as the fellow you are just used as a general dogs body, and left to supervise junior trainees at night.

Sometimes on night shift I even get to crawl in to this crappy bed in a dank suicide box room in the bowels of the hospital.

This year has been pretty wild. I've seen some stuff.

Just in the last few months I've had to help jam a breathing tube through the front of someone's neck following a trauma. 

I had my first person try to bleed to death during a C section a couple nights ago after an artery got accidentally severed and I had to pump in a loooot of blood. 

And now I find myself increasingly left alone to manage brain haemorrhages, ruptured AAA and septic people with perforated bowels.

The devil's anaesthetic

I don't think I've been so terrified and had so much fun at the same time ever. Some times it feels like a game - make the numbers look pretty and put the tubes in the other tubes. And then every now and again you look back and think, 'wow, I just said the last words someone will ever hear and I didn't even realise it at the time.'

Anyway, life is good.

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