Ah haaaaa!
I'm back! It was only five minutes ago that I was killing off the Ranch Dressing I, but if you've bothered to do some simple deductions and found your way here - I'm very thankful!
And so we begin! I must admit, I'm a little freaked out. They've let me in on a four year course, where at the end you get a license to kill (or save.) Either way, the process of getting to that stage is going pose more than one hurdle no doubt. Hopefully though, the sagely advice that I hear float past the water cooler is true. "The hard part is getting in."
I got my first piece of course related material e mailed to me today. Naturally I was so excited I read it cover to cover, even though it was only a vague outline of what one element of the course contained. Having hung around a few med students, especially in recent times (wink wink), I was interested in the material. The sheet they e mailed me was for the much maligned 'HPS' topic. Now I have no reason to hate a topic yet, so I'm still optimistic. It seems to be a nice mish-mash of soft and potentially interesting topics. How they all relate to med yet isn't completely clear but my eyes are excitedly open!
I was a little disheartened though. The last page of the info sheet was a list of sites never to use. I felt this a trap, as they kindly included all the URLs with nice tempting blue hyperlinks. I was pretty surprised they felt the need to mention this, I'd be genuinely surprised if students at this level felt the need to plagiarise... or use wikipedia. Here's the list for your own amusement!
Avoid using the following resources:
123 Helpme: http://www.123helpme.com/
Barani: http://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/barani/main.html
Cheat House: http://www.cheathouse.com/
Creative Spirit: http://www.creativespirits.info/
Dedicated Writers: http://www.dedicatedwriters.com/about/
Example Essays: http://www.exampleessays.com/
General Webpage Fact Sheets
MSN Encarta: http://www.encarta.msn.com/
Red Apple: www.redapple.com.au/
Skwirk: http://www.skwirk.com/
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
Oh dear...
Great! Google Reader updated. Enjoy Mach II.
ReplyDelete1. Don't believe them when they say not to use wikipedia. It's often more up to date and certainly useful for quick sanity checks.
ReplyDelete2. Don't believe them when they say the hardest part is getting in. It gets much harder than that.
3. Enjoy it! It really can be fun.