Poo, wee, blood, tears, various mucous and lots of liquor (pronounced lie-core you idiot). Yes that's right, I saw my first delivery. Extremely fascinating stuff. But after several hours of waiting for something to happen my over-riding emotions were definitely hunger and boredom/anticipation. Fortunately the delivery was text-book stuff. There's nothing like watching a babies head spin through 90 degrees on its own volition whilst hanging out of someones nether-regions to make you sit up straight.
I really have no idea why people harp on about the magic of birth. It's totally grody, even if it is essential to life. Totally learned a lot though. Was very much surprised to see pethidine is still in vogue in obstetrics. Crazy!
Oh yeah, I forgot about the vomiting. So much vomiting. I dont know how I forgot about that. Apparently vomiting is normal and a good sign. It means 'things are happening.'
After that though I felt rapidly spent. Far too much driving for my liking last week. By the weekend I was feeling quite average. Came home and lay on the couch all Sunday afternoon after a shocking sleep in bed saturday. Nothing worse than feeling mediocre and then not sleeping. Bleah.
And now the week begins again!