Monday, September 16, 2013

Claret production record

Attracted by the flashing lights I went up tot he hospital to see what the ambos had brought in. They were quickly unloading the patient from the bus just as I turned up. The first thing I saw was the same set of sneakers and jeans that my own dad likes to tote emerging from the back of the ambulance on a bed. Freaky. Fortunately for me it was someone elses father.

And then the blood. I have never seen so much blood. There's an old axiom that says 'head wounds like to bleed.' And this was a huge head wound. A paramedic volunteer trying to squeeze bits of scalp together trailing the stretcher as it was wheeled in.

The quick thinking doctor acting fast. Blood and now vomit coating the floor. "Get me this, give me that. Draw that up, put one of those in. Start one of those. Pressure! Pressure! Good." And then miraculously, the bleeding was halted. At least... halted sufficiently to send to a surgeon in town.

Those adrenaline filled minutes are few and far between, but when they happen. Wow.

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