A little while ago, I was reasonably fortunate to be standing on the other side of a curtain, whilst a patient misinterpreted their benign diagnosis to be much more severe than it was. As funny as it sounds, it's not often that you actually see people appreciate their lives. It's a very real emotion and a great chance to hold a mirror to your own life.
As the introvert that I am, I'm often stuck in my head wrestling with things. I guess that's why I enjoy when things are brought back to basics. All that's left is the clean cut, where things are or aren't and reality is at its most appreciable.
I guess its ironic that I'm about to segue from reality to religion, because for many they're quite contrary. And yet...
Here is a song. I originally liked it for its punchy kick drum and mellow toms, but I've grown to love the lyrics. Mostly though, it's what I needed to hear today.
Fairest Lord Jesus, Lord of all creation
Jesus, of God and Man
You will I cherish, you will I honour
You are my soul’s delight and crown
Fair are the meadows, fair are the woods
Robed in the blooms of spring
Jesus is fairer, Jesus is purer
He makes the saddest heart to sing
Fair are the flowers, fair are the children
Beautiful in all their youth
Yet is their beauty, fading and fleeting
Lord Jesus yours will never fade
Fair is the moonlight, fairer still the sunshine
Fair is the starry sky
My Jesus shines brighter, Jesus shines clearer
Than all the heavenly host on high
All fairest beauty, heavenly and earthly
Jesus, in you is found
None can be nearer, fairer or dearer
Than you my Saviour to me bound
Words by German Jesuits, English translation by Joseph A. Seiss, 1873;
Music by Alanna Rodgers, Richard Fenton, Greg Cooper, Andrew Judd & Garage Hymnal.
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