Monday, April 4, 2011

You're mugly - a public service announcement.

Is it just me, or are the photos they show of people who have been murdered, or gone missing, on the news always terrible? Always the worst shot, often taken from a small portion of a larger photo, where the victim is the only one not looking at the camera properly. I swear it's a conspiracy.

So please, prepare for this eventuality. Lodge your favourite photo of yourself with your loved ones (unless you suspect they plan to kill you, then choose someone else) just in case your mug ever needs to go on the telly.


  1. This is pretty much what facebook is for, right? One good picture in case you are killed, and many bizarre pictures in case you turn out to be a serial killer or politician.

  2. Ha!I wouldn't know for sure, I try not to socialise with any of those groups *winks*
